About greppr

  1. What is this? - an old-school search engine for doing keyword searches online.
  2. What can I search? - text-only searches of wikis, blogs, journals, papers etc. greppr does not support image or video search, that is not our focus.
  3. How many web pages are indexed? - presently about 6,812,659 pages for this public beta.
  4. Can I submit my web site to greppr? - no, sorry. greppr is curated by a real-life human, to keep the index small but high-quality.
  5. Can I run advanced queries? - that will be documented in a future release.
  6. Who made this? - John made this because he misses old-school search engines.
  7. Why "greppr"? - the name is based on the grep command in Linux, which is used to search through text on the command line. greppr is also used to do text searches, but on the web.